क्रमांक Sl.No. | नाम और पद Name & Designation | प्रभाग / अनुभाग Division / Section | फ़ोन / ईमेल / पता Telephone / E-mail / Address | Work Allocation |
राज्य मंत्री / MoS |
1 | डॉ.जितेंद्र सिंह DR. JITENDRA SINGH राज्य मंत्री MoS | राज्य मंत्री (कार्मिक) MOS(PP) | 23092475 Intercom : 325 Email : mos-pp[at]nic[dot]in Address : 102, NB | |
निजी सचिव, राज्य मंत्री(कार्मिक) / Ps To Mos(pp) |
2 | पंकज दीक्षित PANKAJ DIXIT निजी सचिव, राज्य मंत्री(कार्मिक) Ps To Mos(pp) | राज्य मंत्री (कार्मिक) PS TO MOS(PP) | 23093901 Intercom : 239 Email : ps[dot]dopt[at]nic[dot]in Address : 197A, NB | |
सचिव / Secretary |
3 | रचना शाह RACHNA SHAH सचिव Secretary | सचिव (पी) SECRETARY (P) | 23094848 Intercom : 220 Email : secy_mop[at]nic[dot]in Address : 112, NB | |
/ Chairperson,PESB |
Chairperson,PESB | लोक उद्यम चयन बोर्ड P.E.S.B. | 24360314 Intercom : 113 Email : chairperson-pesb[at]gov[dot]in Address : 301, PESB | |
सदस्य, लोक उद्यम चयन बोर्ड / Member, PESB |
5 | SOMA MONDAL सदस्य, लोक उद्यम चयन बोर्ड Member, PESB | लोक उद्यम चयन बोर्ड P.E.S.B. | 24362843 Intercom : 117 Email : soma[dot]mondal[at]gov[dot]in Address : 507, CGO Complex | |
ईओ और एएस / EO & AS |
6 | मनीषा सक्सेना MANISHA SAXENA ईओ और एएस EO & AS | ईओ & एएस EO&AS | 23092370 Intercom : 222 Email : eo[at]nic[dot]in Address : 115, NB | Work Allocation |
अपर सचिव / Addl. Secretary |
7 | ए. पी. दास जोशी A. P. DAS JOSHI अपर सचिव Addl. Secretary | SERVICE & VIGILANCE | 23094276 Intercom : 221 Email : avinashp[dot]joshi[at]nic[dot]in Address : 193, NB | Work Allocation |
8 | RUPINDER SINGH अपर सचिव Addl. Secretary | एस & एफए AS&FA | 23094709 Intercom : 293 Email : asfa-dopt[at]gov[dot]in Address : 192, NB | |
9 | मनोज कुमार द्विवेदी MANOJ KUMAR DWIVEDI अपर सचिव Addl. Secretary | कार्मिक नीति PERS. POLICY, SR, R&R AND DC, RES., JCA AND CRD | 23092158 Intercom : 200 Email : as-pers[dot]policy-dopt[at]gov[dot]in Address : 109, NB | Work Allocation |
संयुक्त सचिव / Joint Secretary |
10 | छवि भारद्वाज CHHAVI BHARDWAJ संयुक्त सचिव Joint Secretary | प्रशिक्षण TRAINING | 26706301 Intercom : 301 Email : trgjs[at]nic[dot]in Address : 304, JNU | Work Allocation |
11 | पी. बाल किरण P. BALA KIRAN संयुक्त सचिव Joint Secretary | AIS, EHRMS & SGOS | 23092755 Intercom : 218 Email : balakiran[dot]ias-ker[at]nic[dot]in Address : 278C, NB | Work Allocation |
12 | जे अशोक कुमार J ASHOK KUMAR संयुक्त सचिव Joint Secretary | CS, IC, AVD.II, AVD(LOKPAL), AVD.IC/II | 23092479 Intercom : 380 Email : jscs-dopt[at]gov[dot]in Address : 279B, NB | Work Allocation |
13 | एस.डी. शर्मा S.D. SHARMA संयुक्त सचिव Joint Secretary | प्रशासन AT & A | 23093668 Intercom : 540 Email : js[dot]admn-dopt[at]gov[dot]in Address : 278A, NB | Work Allocation |
सचिव, लोक उद्यम चयन बोर्ड / Secretary, Pesb |
14 | नीता केजरेवाल NITA KEJREWAL सचिव, लोक उद्यम चयन बोर्ड Secretary, Pesb | लोक उद्यम चयन बोर्ड SECRETARY (PESB) | 24361230 Intercom : 112 Email : secypesb[at]nic[dot]in Address : 502, PESB | |
निदेशक / Director |
15 | अनिंदया भट्टाचार्य ANINDYA BHATTACHARYA निदेशक Director | कार्मिक नीति-I PERS.POLICY-I | 23094072 Intercom : 331 Email : anindya[dot]2019[at]gov[dot]in Address : 202A, NB | Work Allocation |
16 | DEEPAK SAJWAN निदेशक Director | लोक उद्यम चयन बोर्ड P.E.S.B. | 24362936 Intercom : 123 Email : deepak[dot]sajwan[at]gov[dot]in Address : 509, CGO Complex | Work Allocation |
17 | DEO NATH SAH निदेशक Director | EO-PR & IR | 23092356 Intercom : 620 Email : deonath[dot]sah[at]nic[dot]in Address : 215C, NB | Work Allocation |
18 | हरमित सिंह पाहुजा HARMIT SINGH PAHUJA निदेशक Director | सीआरडी CRD | 24624893 Intercom : 231 Email : harmit[dot]pahuja[at]gov[dot]in Address : 3rd Floor LNB, LNB | Work Allocation |
19 | मुरली भावराजू MURALI BHAVARAJU निदेशक Director | वेतन PAY | 23094542 Intercom : 403 Email : b[dot]murali[at]nic[dot]in Address : 222A, NB | Work Allocation |
20 | नवप्रीत कौर NAVPREET KAUR निदेशक Director | EHRMS | 23092580 Intercom : 468 Email : navpreetkaur[dot]dad[at]hub[dot]nic[dot]in Address : 215A/III, NB | Work Allocation |
21 | PALLAVI SINGH निदेशक Director | एसीसी ACC | 23092272 Intercom : 319 Email : diracc[at]nic[dot]in Address : 16-B, NB | Work Allocation |
22 | PRASHANT SHUKLA निदेशक Director | IC, WELFARE, AVD.ID, AVD-III, AVD.IVA | 23094319 Intercom : 616 Email : prashant[dot]shukla10[at]gov[dot]in Address : 215B, NB | Work Allocation |
23 | SAKSHI MITTAL निदेशक Director | एसएम SM | 23092187 Intercom : 289 Email : dirsm[at]nic[dot]in Address : 20, NB | Work Allocation |
24 | SANDEEP MUKHERJEE निदेशक Director | स्थापना RES-II | 23093913 Intercom : 296 Email : sandeepm[dot]mnre[at]gov[dot]in Address : CANTEEN, NB | Work Allocation |
25 | सुशील कुमार पटेल SUSHIL KUMAR PATEL निदेशक Director | जेएस (एस & वी-II और प्रशिक्षण विभाग) AVD-(II, LOKPAL, 1C/II) | 23094630 Intercom : 238 Email : dir-avd2[at]gov[dot]in Address : 215A/1, NB | Work Allocation |
26 | सैयद इमरान अहमद SYED IMRAN AHMED निदेशक Director | टीआरजी TRG. | 26706307 Intercom : 307 Email : syedimran[dot]ahmed[at]nic[dot]in Address : 301, JNU | Work Allocation |
27 | VADALI RAMBABU निदेशक Director | सीएस - I CS - I | 24629411 Intercom : 252 Email : ram[dot]vadali[at]nic[dot]in Address : 209, LNB | Work Allocation |
उप सचिव / Deputy Secretary |
28 | ANNIES KANMANI JOY उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | ईओ(एमएम) EO (MM) | 23092842 Intercom : 352 Email : dir[dot]mm[at]nic[dot]in Address : 19A, NB | Work Allocation |
29 | BISWAJIT SARKAR उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | IFD | 23092315 Intercom : 344 Email : biswajeet[dot]sarkar27[at]gov[dot]in Address : , NB | |
30 | CHARULATA SOMAL उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | AIS (I, II, III) SGOS | 23092483 Intercom : 270 Email : charulata[dot]somal[at]ias[dot]nic[dot]in Address : 10B/II, NB | Work Allocation |
31 | D. S. NAGALAKSHMI उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | प्रशासन ADMIN & COORD | 23092338 Intercom : 251 Email : nagus[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in Address : 5-A, NB | Work Allocation |
32 | GK RAJNISH उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | स्थापना PERS. POLICY | 23094471 Intercom : 237 Email : gk[dot]rajnish[at]nic[dot]in Address : 279A, NB | Work Allocation |
33 | J. SRIRAM MURTY उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | कार्मिक नीति PERS.POLICY-RR | 23092655 Intercom : 619 Email : sm[dot]jayanti[at]gov[dot]in Address : 278B, NB | Work Allocation |
34 | KUMAR ABHINAV उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | प्रशिक्षण TRAINING | 26706354 Intercom : 354 Email : kumar[dot]abhinav[at]gov[dot]in Address : 307, JNU | Work Allocation |
35 | NARESH KUMAR उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | एटी AT | 24650559 Intercom : 246 Email : naresh[dot]kumar70[at]nic[dot]in Address : 385, LNB | Work Allocation |
36 | PARVEEN JARGAR उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | कार्मिक नीति PESB & JCA IN PERS. POLICY | 24693180 Intercom : 101 Email : parveen[dot]jargar[at]nic[dot]in Address : LNB, LNB | Work Allocation |
37 | PRIYA MAHADEVAN उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | सीएस-सीआर CS-II | 24622365 Intercom : 210 Email : m[dot]priya[at]nic[dot]in Address : 348 LNB, LNB | Work Allocation |
38 | RAM DUTT उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | अवकाश और भत्ते LEAVE & ALLOWANCES | 26164314 Intercom : 119 Email : ram[dot]dutt[dot]mcd[at]nic[dot]in Address : 316, JNU | Work Allocation |
39 | संदीप सक्सेना SANDEEP SAXENA उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | कार्मिक नीति RES-I | 23092036 Intercom : 562 Email : sandeep[dot]saxena[at]nic[dot]in Address : 278B, NB | Work Allocation |
40 | SANJAY KUMAR DAHIYA उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | SR,RR & DC | 24623711 Intercom : 222 Email : sanjay[dot]dahiya[dot]mcd[at]nic[dot]in Address : 318, LNB | Work Allocation |
41 | SHAMIK BHOWMICK उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | कार्मिक नीति LATERAL ENTRY | 24692841 Intercom : 102 Email : shamik[dot]bhowmick[at]nic[dot]in Address : NEW OFFICE, LNB | Work Allocation |
42 | SHEIKH ARSHAD AYUB उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | प्रशिक्षण TRAINING | Intercom : 0 Email : sa[dot]ayub[at]nic[dot]in Address : , JNU | |
43 | सुशांत रंजन SUSHANT RANJAN उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | स्थापना (PERS.POLICY-II) | 23093074 Intercom : 395 Email : ranjans[at]cag[dot]gov[dot]in Address : 280, NB | Work Allocation |
44 | VARINDER KAUR BHALLA उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | प्रशासन CASH&ACCOUNT/BUDGET/PG/RTI/PARLIAMENT/SOCIAL MEDIA | 23093064 Intercom : 613 Email : vk[dot]bhalla[at]nic[dot]in Address : Basement, NB | Work Allocation |
45 | VIJAY S उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | प्रशिक्षण LTDP, IST, DEFT | 26706381 Intercom : 381 Email : vijays[at]cag[dot]gov[dot]in Address : 305, JNU | Work Allocation |
46 | YASHU RUSTAGI उप सचिव Deputy Secretary | AVD-IA, IB, IC/I, AVD (CL) | 23094470 Intercom : 367 Email : yashu[dot]rustagi[at]ias[dot]nic[dot]in Address : 280A, NB | Work Allocation |
/ Deputy Legal Advisor |
Deputy Legal Advisor | कानूनी सलाहकार LEGAL ADVISOR | 23093179 Intercom : 262 Email : Address : 279, NB | |
संयुक्त निदेशक / Joint Director |
48 | जगमोहन सिंह नेगी JAGMOHAN SINGH NEGI संयुक्त निदेशक Joint Director | संयुक्त निदेशक (ओएल) JOINT DIRECTOR(OL) | 23094303 Intercom : 564 Email : jagmohan[dot]negi[at]nic[dot]in Address : wooden in front of room 209-B1, NB | |
अवर सचिव / Under Secretary |
49 | A.M.U. MAHESH अवर सचिव Under Secretary | CORRUPTION LAWS | 23092468 Intercom : 271 Email : amu[dot]mahesh[at]nic[dot]in Address : 209A-Wooden, NB | Work Allocation |
50 | AJAY KUMAR SINHA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | कार्मिक नीति RES-I | 23092869 Intercom : 610 Email : ajay[dot]sinha[at]gov[dot]in Address : 202C, NB | Work Allocation |
51 | अजय लवानिया AJAY LAWANIA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | ईओ (एसएम-III) EO (SM-III) | 23092757 Intercom : 261 Email : ajay[dot]lawania[at]nic[dot]in Address : 22A, NB | Work Allocation |
52 | आलोक सुमन ALOK SUMAN अवर सचिव Under Secretary | ईओ SM-I | 23094195 Intercom : 280 Email : alok[dot]suman[at]nic[dot]in Address : 22-A, NB | Work Allocation |
53 | AMBRISH KUMAR GOPAL अवर सचिव Under Secretary | कार्मिक नीति PERS. POLICY-A.III | 23040264 Intercom : 264 Email : ak[dot]gopal[at]nic[dot]in Address : 202, NB | Work Allocation |
54 | AMIT CHOUBEY अवर सचिव Under Secretary | कार्मिक नीति PERS.POLICY-D (PROMOTION) | 23040340 Intercom : 340 Email : amit[dot]choubey[at]nic[dot]in Address : 202, NB | Work Allocation |
55 | अमित कुमार AMIT KUMAR अवर सचिव Under Secretary | AVD-IV(A), LOKPAL | 23093028 Intercom : 266 Email : amit[dot]kumar84[at]nic[dot]in Address : 172-B, NB | Work Allocation |
56 | ANIL BAJPAI अवर सचिव Under Secretary | EO-PR | 023092112 Intercom : 363 Email : anil[dot]bajpai[at]nic[dot]in Address : 215, NB | Work Allocation |
57 | ANSHUMAN MISHRA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | AIS-I (S-I) | 23092695 Intercom : 335 Email : usais-dopt[at]nic[dot]in Address : 278, NB | Work Allocation |
58 | ANURAG SAXENA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | ADMIN. II/GEN & NODAL CPIO OF DOPT | 23094579 Intercom : 256 Email : anurag[dot]saxena[at]nic[dot]in Address : 3-A, NB | Work Allocation |
59 | ARUN KUMAR DAHIYA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | RR & DC | 24651898 Intercom : 225 Email : arundahiya[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in Address : Hall NO. 3, LNB | Work Allocation |
60 | ASHOK GIRI अवर सचिव Under Secretary | कार्मिक नीति PERS.POLICY-RR | 23092793 Intercom : 291 Email : ashokgiri[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in Address : 222D, NB | Work Allocation |
61 | भूपिंदर BHUPINDER अवर सचिव Under Secretary | AVD-CS( GR .A ) | 23094508 Intercom : 394 Email : bhupinder[dot]malik[at]nic[dot]in Address : 270, NB | Work Allocation |
62 | BHUPINDER PAL SINGH अवर सचिव Under Secretary | AIS-II(PAY) | 23094714 Intercom : 242 Email : bhupinder[dot]pal[at]nic[dot]in Address : 278, NB | Work Allocation |
63 | दीपक शर्मा DEEPAK SHARMA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | एफ़ए(यूएन) FA (UN) | 23093846 Intercom : 385 Email : s[dot]deepak[at]nic[dot]in Address : 215 A, NB | Work Allocation |
64 | DESHRAJ YADAV अवर सचिव Under Secretary | प्रशिक्षण TRAINING | 26706310 Intercom : 310 Email : deshraj[dot]yadav[at]nic[dot]in Address : 310, JNU | Work Allocation |
65 | DILIP KUMAR JHA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | IR-I | 23040401 Intercom : 401 Email : usir-dopt[at]nic[dot]in Address : 278B, NB | Work Allocation |
66 | GANDHARV KUMAR SANDILYA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | कार्मिक नीति JCA | 24694678 Intercom : 282 Email : gksandilya[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in Address : 2nd Floor, LNB | Work Allocation |
67 | गौतम कुमार GAUTAM KUMAR अवर सचिव Under Secretary | MRC | 23040306 Intercom : 306 Email : gautam[dot]k82[at]nic[dot]in Address : 277, wooden chamber , NB | Work Allocation |
68 | HEMANT SHARMA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | IR-II | 23092759 Intercom : 373 Email : hemant[dot]s[at]nic[dot]in Address : 215A/2, NB | Work Allocation |
69 | जसमीन JASMINE अवर सचिव Under Secretary | कार्मिक नीति PERS. POLICY-A-I/B-I | 23092508 Intercom : 612 Email : jasmine[dot]bhardwaj[at]nic[dot]in Address : 215, NB | Work Allocation |
70 | JATA SHANKAR KANTH अवर सचिव Under Secretary | कार्मिक नीति PERS. POL. (LEAVE & ALLOWANCES) | 26164316 Intercom : 149 Email : js[dot]kanth[at]nic[dot]in Address : 409, JNU | Work Allocation |
71 | KAVITA CHAUHAN अवर सचिव Under Secretary | AIS-III | 23093479 Intercom : 268 Email : Address : 209B/1, NB | Work Allocation |
72 | KUMAR RAJIV RANJAN अवर सचिव Under Secretary | सीएस CS.II-B | 24623157 Intercom : 214 Email : rajiv[dot]ranjan78[at]nic[dot]in Address : 3rd floor ,lnb, LNB | Work Allocation |
73 | कुंदन नाथ KUNDAN NATH अवर सचिव Under Secretary | ईओ SM-II | 23092468 Intercom : 219 Email : knath[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in Address : 215, NB | Work Allocation |
74 | L RAGHAVENDRAN अवर सचिव Under Secretary | सीएस CS-A&P | 24642705 Intercom : 281 Email : lraghavendran[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in Address : 2nd floor LNB, LNB | Work Allocation |
75 | LALIT KUMAR अवर सचिव Under Secretary | स्थापना PERS. POLICY A.IV | 23094248 Intercom : 341 Email : kumar[dot]lalit[at]nic[dot]in Address : 202, NB | Work Allocation |
76 | मनोज गुप्ता MANOJ GUPTA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | AVD-I/C-I | 23093880 Intercom : 617 Email : manoj[dot]gupta74[at]nic[dot]in Address : 268B, NB | Work Allocation |
77 | मोहम्मद जेनूद्दीन MOHAMMAD JAINUDDIN अवर सचिव Under Secretary | लोक उद्यम चयन बोर्ड P.E.S.B. | 24363817 Intercom : 22 Email : mohammed[dot]jainuddin[at]nic[dot]in Address : 513, PESB | Work Allocation |
78 | MS. CHARU VIJAY अवर सचिव Under Secretary | कार्मिक नीति RES-II | Intercom : 0 Email : Address : , NB | Work Allocation |
79 | NABHLAKSHMI JAIN GANGH अवर सचिव Under Secretary | E-HRMS & IC | Intercom : 302 Email : nabhlakshmi[dot]jain[at]gov[dot]in Address : , NB | Work Allocation |
80 | NAVEEN KUMAR अवर सचिव Under Secretary | सीएस-कल्याण WELFARE-I | 24653202 Intercom : 235 Email : naveen[dot]kr80[at]gov[dot]in Address : 321 A, LNB | Work Allocation |
81 | ORUGANTI PHANI अवर सचिव Under Secretary | प्रशिक्षण TRAINING | 26706306 Intercom : 306 Email : o[dot]phani[at]gov[dot]in Address : 201, JNU | Work Allocation |
82 | PIJUSH MOHANTA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | AVD-I/C-II | 23040381 Intercom : 381 Email : pijush[dot]mohanta[at]nic[dot]in Address : 171-D, NB | Work Allocation |
83 | प्रवीण पाल सिंह PRAVEEN PAL SINGH अवर सचिव Under Secretary | ईओ EO-CVO | 23092589 Intercom : 479 Email : pp[dot]singh69[at]nic[dot]in Address : 215A, NB | Work Allocation |
84 | PREETI WADHWA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | सीएस-सीआर CS-II | 24654020 Intercom : 257 Email : preeti[dot]wadhwa[at]gov[dot]in Address : 10-A WING, LNB | Work Allocation |
85 | राहुल हांडा RAHUL HANDA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | प्रशासन ADMN. | 23092982 Intercom : 255 Email : rahul[dot]handa86[at]gov[dot]in Address : 3A/II, NB | Work Allocation |
86 | RAJEEV KUMAR CHOUDHARY अवर सचिव Under Secretary | प्रशिक्षण I-GOT | 26706382 Intercom : 382 Email : rk[dot]choudhary2018[at]ias[dot]nic[dot]in Address : 315, JNU | Work Allocation |
87 | RAJEEV KUMAR KHARE अवर सचिव Under Secretary | AVD-II(B) | 23040376 Intercom : 376 Email : RAJEEVKUMARKHARE[dot]EDU[at]NIC[dot]IN Address : 209B, NB | Work Allocation |
88 | राजीव नयन RAJEEV NAYAN अवर सचिव Under Secretary | सीएस CS-I(TRG/APAR) | 24624046 Intercom : 238 Email : rajeev[dot]nayan[at]nic[dot]in Address : 208, LNB | Work Allocation |
89 | RAJESH KUMAR अवर सचिव Under Secretary | कार्मिक नीति PERS. POL. (RR-I) | 23094254 Intercom : 337 Email : kumar[dot]rajesh1970[at]gov[dot]in Address : 215-A/II, NB | Work Allocation |
90 | राजेश शर्मा RAJESH SHARMA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | कार्मिक नीति PERS. POLICY-A-II/B-II | 23093176 Intercom : 561 Email : r[dot]sharma74[at]nic[dot]in Address : 278A, NB | Work Allocation |
91 | RAJIV KUMAR अवर सचिव Under Secretary | एसआरएस SRS | Intercom : 0 Email : Address : , LNB | Work Allocation |
92 | राकेश कुमार RAKESH KUMAR अवर सचिव Under Secretary | IFD | 23093291 Intercom : 331 Email : rakeshkumar[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in Address : 204, NB | Work Allocation |
93 | RAKESH KUMAR SINHA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | कार्मिक नीति PERS.POLICY D-II (SENIORITY) | 23040339 Intercom : 339 Email : rk[dot]sinha70[at]gov[dot]in Address : 202, NB | Work Allocation |
94 | RAM BHAGAT KUSHWAHA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | प्रशिक्षण ISTM & BUDGET | 26706305 Intercom : 305 Email : rb[dot]kushwaha[at]nic[dot]in Address : 302, JNU | Work Allocation |
95 | RAMESH CHANDRA JHA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | ईओ (एसएम-II) EO (SM-II) | 23092465 Intercom : 465 Email : rameshc[dot]jha[at]nic[dot]in Address : 215, NB | Work Allocation |
96 | रणधीर कुमार RANDHIR KUMAR अवर सचिव Under Secretary | सीआरडी CRD | 24653972 Intercom : 220 Email : randhir[dot]kumar14[at]nic[dot]in Address : Hall ,3rd Floor LNB, LNB | Work Allocation |
97 | ऋषि पाल RISHI PAL अवर सचिव Under Secretary | एटी AT | 24640643 Intercom : 286 Email : rishi[dot]pal13[at]nic[dot]in Address : Cabin,2rd Floor,LNB, LNB | Work Allocation |
98 | RUPESH KUMAR अवर सचिव Under Secretary | AVD-I A | 23094799 Intercom : 305 Email : rupesh[dot]dgsnd[at]gov[dot]in Address : 270, NB | Work Allocation |
99 | SANJAY KUMAR CHAURASIA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | AIS-I (S-II & S-III) | 23093063 Intercom : 257 Email : uss1[at]nic[dot]in Address : 278, NB | Work Allocation |
100 | SANTANU DHAR अवर सचिव Under Secretary | स्थापना RR-II | 23092564 Intercom : 321 Email : santanu[dot]dhar[at]nic[dot]in Address : 215 A/II, NB | Work Allocation |
101 | SANTOSH KUMAR अवर सचिव Under Secretary | AVD-III | 23094541 Intercom : 407 Email : santoshkumar73[at]nic[dot]in Address : 270A, NB | Work Allocation |
102 | SATYA PAL SINGH अवर सचिव Under Secretary | स्थापना PERS.POLICY-I | Intercom : 0 Email : sp[dot]singh71[at]nic[dot]in Address : , NB | |
103 | SATYAM SRIVASTAVA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | AVD-II | 23092286 Intercom : 334 Email : satyam[dot]srivastava[at]nic[dot]in Address : 209B, NB | Work Allocation |
104 | SATYENDRA SINGH अवर सचिव Under Secretary | सीसीएससीएसबी CCSCSB | 24646961 Intercom : 0 Email : singh[dot]satyendra80[at]gov[dot]in Address : 385, LNB | Work Allocation |
105 | SHAMPA GHOSH अवर सचिव Under Secretary | प्रशिक्षण I-GOT | 26706377 Intercom : 377 Email : shampa[dot]ghosh[at]gov[dot]in Address : 309, JNU | Work Allocation |
106 | SUBIR KUMAR अवर सचिव Under Secretary | ईओ (एसएम-II) EO (SM-II) | 23093175 Intercom : 365 Email : subir[dot]kumar93[at]gov[dot]in Address : 215, NB | Work Allocation |
107 | सुबोध वर्मा SUBODH VERMA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | AVD-I B | 23092298 Intercom : 245 Email : subodhverma[at]prasarbharati[dot]gov[dot]in Address : 268B, NB | Work Allocation |
108 | SUJIT KUMAR MISHRA अवर सचिव Under Secretary | प्रशासन COORDINATION, CR & SOCIAL MEDIA | 23093266 Intercom : 495 Email : sujit[dot]mishra[at]nic[dot]in Address : 3A/II, NB | Work Allocation |
109 | SUNIL KUMAR अवर सचिव Under Secretary | सीएस CS-I U | 24629412 Intercom : 279 Email : sunil[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in Address : 2nd Floor, Hall-1, LNB | Work Allocation |
110 | SWATI अवर सचिव Under Secretary | बजट और लेखा BUDGET & ACCOUNTS | 23094051 Intercom : 346 Email : swati[dot]moib[at]nic[dot]in Address : , NB | Work Allocation |
111 | VIKAS अवर सचिव Under Secretary | वेतन PAY | Intercom : 489 Email : vikas[dot]kumar1981[at]gov[dot]in Address : 278A, NB | Work Allocation |
112 | जचारिया थॉमस ZACHARIAH THOMAS अवर सचिव Under Secretary | प्रशिक्षण IGOT | 26165682 Intercom : 277 Email : zachariahthomas[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in Address : IGOT, JNU | Work Allocation |
अतिरिक्त निजी सचिव, राज्य मंत्री(कार्मिक) / Aps To Mos(pp) |
113 | N S NEGI अतिरिक्त निजी सचिव, राज्य मंत्री(कार्मिक) Aps To Mos(pp) | राज्य मंत्री (कार्मिक) MOS(PP) | Intercom : 0 Email : Address : 6 Kusak Road, 0 | |
उप निदेशक / Deputy Director |
114 | VIJAY KUMAR DARAK उप निदेशक Deputy Director | ईओ (एसीसी) EO (ACC) | 23093671 Intercom : 258 Email : vijay[dot]darak[at]gov[dot]in Address : 171D NB, NB | Work Allocation |
सहायक निदेशक (ओएल) / Asstt. Dir. (OL) |
115 | SANDEEP MOHAN सहायक निदेशक (ओएल) Asstt. Dir. (OL) | हिंदी अनुभाग HINDI SECTION | 23094906(o) Intercom : 378 Email : Address : 201, NB | |
अनुभाग अधिकारी / Section Officer |
116 | ABHAY KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | AIS-I | 23093683 Intercom : 332 Email : abhay[dot]kumar1012[at]gov[dot]in Address : 209C, NB | Work Allocation |
117 | ABHISHEK अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशिक्षण ASSISTANT SECRETARY | 26706324 Intercom : 324 Email : abhishek[dot]85[at]gov[dot]in Address : 513, JNU | Work Allocation |
118 | ABHISHEK GOURAV अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशिक्षण I GOT-II | 26706336 Intercom : 336 Email : abhishek[dot]gourav[at]gov[dot]in Address : 410, JNU | Work Allocation |
119 | AJAY GIRI अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सीसीएससीएसबी CCSCSB | 24624204 Intercom : 0 Email : ajay[dot]23011986[at]gov[dot]in Address : CCSCSB, LNB | Work Allocation |
120 | AJAY KUMAR VERMA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | AVD-I B | 23040287 Intercom : 287 Email : ajay[dot]kv14[at]nic[dot]in Address : 268B, NB | Work Allocation |
121 | AMAN KUMAR SINHA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | ईओ ACC AND ELECTION CELL | 23093416 Intercom : 377 Email : aman[dot]k13[at]nic[dot]in Address : 18, NB | Work Allocation |
122 | AMAR ARORA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | ईओ MM-II | 23093964 Intercom : 292 Email : amar[dot]arora14[at]nic[dot]in Address : 81C, NB | Work Allocation |
123 | AMIT KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | लोक उद्यम चयन बोर्ड P.E.S.B. | 24363817 Intercom : 128 Email : amit[dot]jangra[at]gov[dot]in Address : , CGO Complex | |
124 | ANAMIKA KUMARI अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशिक्षण ACADEMY | 26706327 Intercom : 327 Email : anamika[dot]k14[at]nic[dot]in Address : 401, JNU | Work Allocation |
125 | ANAND KUMAR JAISWAL अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | ईओ (एसएम-I) EO (SM-I) | 23092536 Intercom : 303 Email : anand[dot]kj[at]nic[dot]in Address : 23, NB | Work Allocation |
126 | ANIRANJAN PRASAD अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | एटी AT | 24643352 Intercom : 303 Email : aniranjan[dot]prasad[at]nic[dot]in Address : 305, LNB | Work Allocation |
127 | ANKUSH GALOTIA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | कार्मिक नीति PERS.POLICY-RR | 23040337 Intercom : 248 Email : ankush[dot]galotia[at]gov[dot]in Address : 215A/II, NB | Work Allocation |
128 | ANUJ KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | CADRE REVIEW | 24648589 Intercom : 221 Email : anuj[dot]kumar88[at]nic[dot]in Address : Hall 3 LNB, LNB | Work Allocation |
129 | ANURAG KUMAR TRIVEDI अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | एवीडी - II AVD - II | 23092460 Intercom : 334 Email : anuragkumar[dot]trivedi[at]gov[dot]in Address : 23-A, NB | Work Allocation |
130 | ARVIND KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशासन ADMIN.IV( NON- GAZETTED ) | 23093174 Intercom : 392 Email : arvind[dot]pal[at]nic[dot]in Address : 222D, NB | Work Allocation |
131 | ARVIND KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | लोक उद्यम चयन बोर्ड P.E.S.B. | 24363817 Intercom : 128 Email : arvind[dot]kumar198[at]nic[dot]in Address : 513, PESB | |
132 | ASHISH SHARMA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | एसआरएस SR-I | 24625816 Intercom : 215 Email : ashish[dot]sharma[at]nic[dot]in Address : HALL NO. 3, LNB | Work Allocation |
133 | ATUL KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सीएस CS.I D | 24642704 Intercom : 238 Email : atul[dot]kr[at]nic[dot]in Address : 2nd Floor, LNB | Work Allocation |
134 | B C HALDAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सीएस CS-I (APAR) | 24642706 Intercom : 253 Email : b[dot]halder13[at]nic[dot]in Address : 208, LNB | Work Allocation |
135 | BHURA LAL SIWAL अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशासन CR & R&I | 23040474 Intercom : 474 Email : bl[dot]siwal[at]nic[dot]in Address : 7, NB | Work Allocation |
136 | BIKESH KUMAR BARNAWAL अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | IR-II | 23093022 Intercom : 359 Email : bikesh[dot]baranwal[at]nic[dot]in Address : 215A/II, NB | Work Allocation |
137 | CHETAN KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | AVD-II(B) | Intercom : 400 Email : chetan[dot]kumar92[at]nic[dot]in Address : 201, NB | Work Allocation |
138 | CHINTAN PURI अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सेवा और सतर्कता AIS-II(CADRE) | 23092983 Intercom : 348 Email : chintan[dot]puri[at]gov[dot]in Address : 209A, NB | Work Allocation |
139 | CHIRANJEEV KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | कार्मिक नीति PERS. POL. A-III | 23040343 Intercom : 343 Email : chiranjeev[dot]kumar[at]nic[dot]in Address : 202, NB | Work Allocation |
140 | DEEPAK BENIWAL अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | ईओ (एसएम-III) EO (SM-III) | 23094575 Intercom : 382 Email : deepak[dot]beniwal[at]gov[dot]in Address : 18, NB | Work Allocation |
141 | DEEPAK MEENA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशिक्षण MISSION RECRUITMENT CELL | 23040306 Intercom : 306 Email : deepak[dot]meena90[at]nic[dot]in Address : 276B/W, NB | Work Allocation |
142 | DEEPAK RANGAY अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | कार्मिक नीति RESERVATION-II | 23093307 Intercom : 388 Email : deepak[dot]rangay[at]gov[dot]in Address : 282, NB | Work Allocation |
143 | DHARMENDER MUNGI अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सीएस-कल्याण IFD | 23093291 Intercom : 331 Email : dharmender[dot]mungi[at]gov[dot]in Address : 204, NB | Work Allocation |
144 | DINESH KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | कार्मिक नीति PERS.POLICY D-II (SENIORITY) | 23040215 Intercom : 215 Email : dinesh[dot]ku13[at]nic[dot]in Address : 209B WOODEN, NB | Work Allocation |
145 | GEELA RAM अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशिक्षण TRAINING POLICY & COORDINATION | 26706361 Intercom : 361 Email : geelaram[dot]gurjar[at]gov[dot]in Address : 406, JNU | Work Allocation |
146 | GEETHA. M अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | ईओ EO-CVO | 23092513 Intercom : 570 Email : geetha[dot]m13[at]nic[dot]in Address : 215 A, NB | Work Allocation |
147 | गिरिधर कुमार GIRIDHAR KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | AIS-III | 23092344 Intercom : 391 Email : giridhar[dot]k13[at]nic[dot]in Address : 209B/1, NB | Work Allocation |
148 | GULSHAN KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | CS-I (P) | 24642704 Intercom : 279 Email : Address : Hall No. 1, LNB | Work Allocation |
149 | HARISH KUMAR MEENA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | स्थापना RES-I | 23092464 Intercom : 277 Email : hk[dot]meena92[at]gov[dot]in Address : 282, NB | Work Allocation |
150 | HITESH MARWAH अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सीएस CS-I (S) | 24642706 Intercom : 0 Email : hitesh[dot]marwah[at]gov[dot]in Address : hall no 2 nd floor, LNB | Work Allocation |
151 | HUNNY WADHWA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | EHRMS | Intercom : 397 Email : hunny[dot]wadhwa90[at]gov[dot]in Address : , NB | Work Allocation |
152 | INDER PAL अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | ईओ(पीआर) EO (PR) | 23092679 Intercom : 233 Email : inder[dot]pal90[at]gov[dot]in Address : 19, NB | Work Allocation |
153 | JITESH KUMAR GUPTA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशिक्षण I-GOT | 26706372 Intercom : 372 Email : jitesh[dot]gupta[at]nic[dot]in Address : 406, JNU | Work Allocation |
154 | JYOTI TIWARI अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | कार्मिक नीति PERS.POLICY B-II(PESB & VERIFICATION)) | 23040236 Intercom : 236 Email : tiwari[dot]j13[at]nic[dot]in Address : 202, NB | Work Allocation |
155 | KARAN MEENA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | एटी AT-DESK | 24640643 Intercom : 287 Email : Address : 305, LNB | Work Allocation |
156 | KSHITIZ GAUTAM अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | AIS-I (S-II & S-III) | 23094142 Intercom : 274 Email : kshitiz[dot]gautam[at]gov[dot]in Address : 278, NB | Work Allocation |
157 | KUNAL PATEL अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | MANPOWER POLICY & PLANNING | 24650531 Intercom : 221 Email : kunal[dot]patel[at]gov[dot]in Address : HALL NO -1 3rd floor, LNB | Work Allocation |
158 | L.H. LALNEO अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | कार्मिक नीति PERS. POL. (LEAVE) | 26706359 Intercom : 303 Email : lalneo[dot]lhungdim[at]nic[dot]in Address : 23, JNU | Work Allocation |
159 | MANDIP KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | ईओ (एसएम-II) EO (SM-II) | 23092712 Intercom : 475 Email : mandip[dot]k13[at]nic[dot]in Address : 277A, NB | Work Allocation |
160 | MANOJ KATARIA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशिक्षण LTDP & COORD | 26706329 Intercom : 329 Email : manoj[dot]kataria14[at]nic[dot]in Address : 403, JNU | Work Allocation |
161 | MANOJ KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | कल्याण WELFARE (RWA) | Intercom : 0 Email : manoj[dot]k47[at]gov[dot]in Address : Welfare, LNB | Work Allocation |
162 | मस्तराम मीना MASTRAM MEENA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | ईओ EO_CM | 23092584 Intercom : 208 Email : mastram[dot]meena[at]gov[dot]in Address : 277-W, NB | Work Allocation |
163 | MD. ASHFAQUE ALAM अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | लोक उद्यम चयन बोर्ड P.E.S.B. | 24363817 Intercom : 122 Email : mdashfaque[dot]alam[at]gov[dot]in Address : 513, CGO Complex | |
164 | MONIKA GOLA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | ईओ SM-II | 23040206 Intercom : 206 Email : monika[dot]g13[at]nic[dot]in Address : 277A, NB | Work Allocation |
165 | MUKESH KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सीएस CS-I (TRG) | 24642704 Intercom : 277 Email : mukesh[dot]kr80[at]gov[dot]in Address : 208, LNB | Work Allocation |
166 | NANCY JINDAL अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | एफ़ए(यूएन) FA (UN) | 23092694 Intercom : 326 Email : Nancy[dot]Jindal[at]gov[dot]in Address : 201, NB | Work Allocation |
167 | NAVEEN KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशासन ADMIN.III/CANTEEN | 23040284 Intercom : 284 Email : naveen[dot]kumar88[at]nic[dot]in Address : 3, NB | Work Allocation |
168 | NEERAJ SETH अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सीएस II (सी) CS II(C) | 24653202 Intercom : 0 Email : neeraj[dot]seth[at]nic[dot]in Address : , LNB | Work Allocation |
169 | NEERAJ SHARMA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | ईओ SM-III | 23094575 Intercom : 382 Email : neeraj[dot]sharma14[at]nic[dot]in Address : 18, NB | Work Allocation |
170 | NEERENDRA SINGH CHAUHAN अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | ईओ SM-II | 23040357 Intercom : 357 Email : neeren[dot]chauhan[at]gov[dot]in Address : 277A, NB | Work Allocation |
171 | NEERU SHARMA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | जेसीए JCA | 24694678 Intercom : 315 Email : neeru[dot]sharma[at]nic[dot]in Address : Hall1, LNB | Work Allocation |
172 | NEHA UPADHYAY अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सूचना का अधिकार RTI | 23040247 Intercom : 247 Email : neha[dot]upadhyay[at]gov[dot]in Address : 7, NB | Work Allocation |
173 | NIDHI JUNEJA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशासन VIG/APAR | 23093979 Intercom : 358 Email : juneja[dot]n13[at]nic[dot]in Address : 5, NB | Work Allocation |
174 | NISHCHAL YADAV अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | बजट और लेखा BUDGET & ACCOUNTS | 23040370 Intercom : 370 Email : nishchal[dot]yadav[at]gov[dot]in Address : 4, NB | Work Allocation |
175 | PARDEEP KUMAR SHARMA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सेवा और सतर्कता CS & IC | Intercom : 399 Email : Address : 201, NB | Work Allocation |
176 | PARTHA PRATIM SUR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | IR-I | 23093022 Intercom : 387 Email : partha[dot]sur[at]gov[dot]in Address : 215A/II, NB | Work Allocation |
177 | POOJA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | AIS-II (PAY) | 23094824 Intercom : 330 Email : POOJA[dot]VIMAL92[at]GOV[dot]IN Address : 209A, NB | Work Allocation |
178 | PRACHI JAIN अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सीएस CS-I (A) | 24642706 Intercom : 250 Email : prachi[dot]jain89[at]nic[dot]in Address : Hall/ 2 Floor, LNB | Work Allocation |
179 | PRACHI SHREE अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | कार्मिक नीति PERS.POLICY-PAY (DEPUTATION/ RE-EMPLOYMENT) | 23040310 Intercom : 310 Email : prachi[dot]shree[at]nic[dot]in Address : HALL NO. 1, NB | Work Allocation |
180 | PRADYUMN KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | संसद PARLIAMENT | 23092240 Intercom : 283 Email : pradyumn[dot]kumar[at]nic[dot]in Address : 3, NB | Work Allocation |
181 | PRASHANT अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | AIS-III | 23040391 Intercom : 391 Email : prashant[dot]dopt14[at]nic[dot]in Address : 209B/1, NB | Work Allocation |
182 | PRATAP CHAND MAURYA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशासन PG CELL | 23040397 Intercom : 397 Email : pc[dot]maurya[at]nic[dot]in Address : 7, NB | Work Allocation |
183 | PRAVEEN KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | कार्मिक नीति RES-II | 23092459 Intercom : 471 Email : praveen[dot]pal[at]gov[dot]in Address : 282, NB | Work Allocation |
184 | PREETI KAUR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशिक्षण TFA | 26706351 Intercom : 351 Email : preeti[dot]kaur[at]nic[dot]in Address : 408, JNU | Work Allocation |
185 | PRIYA MITTAL अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | नकदी CASH | 23093214 Intercom : 207 Email : priya[dot]mittal49[at]gov[dot]in Address : 4, NB | Work Allocation |
186 | PURAN MAL MEENA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सीएस-कल्याण WELFARE | Intercom : 0 Email : meena[dot]puran78[at]gov[dot]in Address : WELFARE, LNB | Work Allocation |
187 | RAHUL अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | समन्वय COORDINATION | Intercom : 404 Email : kaushik[dot]rahul[at]gov[dot]in Address : 270, NB | Work Allocation |
188 | RAHUL BISWAS अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशासन ADMIN.I (GAZETTED) | 23093979 Intercom : 372 Email : rahul[dot]biswas[at]gov[dot]in Address : 5, NB | Work Allocation |
189 | RAHUL YADAV अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सीएस CS.II-B | 24623157 Intercom : 214 Email : rahul[dot]yadav90[at]gov[dot]in Address : HALL, LNB | Work Allocation |
190 | RAJESH KUMAR MEENA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशासन ADMIN.II/GEN. | 23093904 Intercom : 205 Email : rajeshkr[dot]meena[at]gov[dot]in Address : 3, NB | Work Allocation |
191 | RAJESH MEENA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशिक्षण IIPA & IST | 26706347 Intercom : 347 Email : meena[dot]rajesh13[at]nic[dot]in Address : 407, JNU | Work Allocation |
192 | RAJIV RANJAN KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | ईओ ACC | 23093298 Intercom : 377 Email : rajivranjan[dot]kumar[at]nic[dot]in Address : 18, NB | Work Allocation |
193 | RAJNI LAMBA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | कार्मिक नीति PERS.POLICY-PAY (PROMOTION) | 23040309 Intercom : 309 Email : rajni[dot]lamba[at]nic[dot]in Address : HALL NO.1, NB | Work Allocation |
194 | RAM PRASAD MEENA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | एसआरएस SR-II | 24625816 Intercom : 215 Email : meena[dot]ramprasad94[at]gov[dot]in Address : HALL-3, LNB | Work Allocation |
195 | RITIKESH RAJ अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | AVD-I/C-II | 23040350 Intercom : 350 Email : ritikesh[dot]r13[at]nic[dot]in Address : 270, NB | Work Allocation |
196 | RITUPARNA BANERJI SHARMA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | ईओ (एसएम-III) EO (SM-III) | 23094575 Intercom : 382 Email : ritubanerji[dot]dgsnd[at]nic[dot]in Address : 18, NB | Work Allocation |
197 | ROHIT KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | स्थापना PERS. POL. C | 23040481 Intercom : 481 Email : rohitkumar14[at]nic[dot]in Address : 209B WOODEN, NB | Work Allocation |
198 | RUPESH KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | ईओ MM-I | 23093376 Intercom : 302 Email : k[dot]rupesh[at]nic[dot]in Address : 23, NB | Work Allocation |
199 | SABYASACHI PANDE अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सीएस CS-II(A) | 24620118 Intercom : 216 Email : sabyasachi[dot]p[at]gov[dot]in Address : 3 floor, LNB | Work Allocation |
200 | SAMARPITA MOOKERJEE अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशिक्षण ISTM & BUDGET | 26706343 Intercom : 343 Email : samarpitam[dot]c021101[at]gov[dot]in Address : 405, JNU | Work Allocation |
201 | SANDEEP KUMAR AHLAWAT अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | ईओ (एमएम-II) EO (MM-II) | 23093964 Intercom : 292 Email : sandeep[dot]ahlawat14[at]nic[dot]in Address : 81C, NB | Work Allocation |
202 | संदीप संधू SANDEEP SANDHU अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | स्थापना PERS. POLICY A.IV | 23040341 Intercom : 614 Email : sandeep[dot]sandhu[at]nic[dot]in Address : 202, NB | Work Allocation |
203 | SEEMA KALRA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | कार्मिक नीति PERS. POLICY B-I | 23092797 Intercom : 329 Email : seema[dot]kalra[at]nic[dot]in Address : 215 C, NB | Work Allocation |
204 | SHASHANK BANSAL अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | कार्मिक नीति PERS. POL. D (PROMOTION) | 23040340 Intercom : 340 Email : bansal[dot]shashank[at]nic[dot]in Address : 202, NB | Work Allocation |
205 | SHASHI BHUSHAN अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | ईओ SM-I | 23092536 Intercom : 303 Email : shashi[dot]b13[at]nic[dot]in Address : 23, NB | Work Allocation |
206 | SHEENA THAKUR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | कार्मिक नीति LATERAL ENTRY | 23092561 Intercom : 248 Email : sthakur[dot]edu[at]gov[dot]in Address : 215A/II, LNB | Work Allocation |
207 | SONAKSHI AGGARWAL अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | कार्मिक नीति PERS.POLICY-PAY (DEPUTATION/ RE-EMPLOYMENT) | 23040310 Intercom : 310 Email : sonakshi[dot]aggarwal[at]gov[dot]in Address : HALL NO.1, NB | Work Allocation |
208 | SONAL YADAV अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | कार्मिक नीति PERS. POL. B (SSC/UPSC/NRA) | 23092797 Intercom : 329 Email : sonal[dot]y13[at]nic[dot]in Address : 215c, NB | Work Allocation |
209 | SONAM KUMARI अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | लोकपाल LOKPAL | 23040459 Intercom : 459 Email : kumari[dot]soonam[at]gov[dot]in Address : HALL NO.1, NB | Work Allocation |
210 | SOUMALYA BANERJEE अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | AVD-I A | 23092963 Intercom : 452 Email : soumalya[dot]banerjee[at]nic[dot]in Address : 270, NB | Work Allocation |
211 | SOUMYADIP PANDIT अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | AVD- CORRUPTION LAWS | 23093808 Intercom : 253 Email : soumyadip[dot]pandit[at]nic[dot]in Address : HALL NO.1, NB | Work Allocation |
212 | SUBHRANIL BHATTACHARYA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | प्रशिक्षण FOREIGN TRAINING | 26706328 Intercom : 328 Email : subhranil[dot]10[at]gov[dot]in Address : 404, JNU | Work Allocation |
213 | SUMIT KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | RR & DC | Intercom : 23 Email : sumit[dot]kr90[at]gov[dot]in Address : 303, LNB | Work Allocation |
214 | SUNIL KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | AIS-II (PENSION) | 23094824 Intercom : 267 Email : sunil[dot]kuri[at]gov[dot]in Address : 209A, NB | Work Allocation |
215 | सुनीता हांडा SUNITA HANDA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सीएस-सीआर CS-II (APAR/TRG) | 24650508 Intercom : 247 Email : sunita[dot]handa[at]nic[dot]in Address : 3rd Floor, LNB, LNB | Work Allocation |
216 | SURAJ अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | एटी AT | 24640643 Intercom : 287 Email : suraj[dot]15[at]gov[dot]in Address : HALL NO. 1, LNB | Work Allocation |
217 | SURAJ KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | समन्वय COORDINATION | Intercom : 404 Email : suraj[dot]kumar84[at]gov[dot]in Address : 3, NB | Work Allocation |
218 | SURENDRANATH SWAIN अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सीएस CS-I (P) | 24642704 Intercom : 279 Email : sn[dot]swain[at]nic[dot]in Address : Hall no 1, LNB | Work Allocation |
219 | SWETA KUMARI अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | RR & DC | Intercom : 0 Email : sweta[dot]k13[at]nic[dot]in Address : Hall no- 1 3rd Floor, LNB | Work Allocation |
220 | TARUN GUPTA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सीएस CS-I U | 24629414 Intercom : 0 Email : tarungupta[dot]edu[at]gov[dot]in Address : HALL, LNB | Work Allocation |
221 | TRINETRA OJHA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | ईओ (एसीसी) EO (ACC) | 23094487 Intercom : 288 Email : trinetra[dot]711[at]gov[dot]in Address : 18, NB | Work Allocation |
222 | TULSI RAM MEENA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | लोकपाल SO (LOKPAL-1) | 23040253 Intercom : 459 Email : meena[dot]tr[at]gov[dot]in Address : Hall No. 1, NB | Work Allocation |
223 | TUSHAR PANDEY अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | एवीडी - III AVD - III | 23040304 Intercom : 304 Email : pandey[dot]tushar[at]gov[dot]in Address : 270, NB | Work Allocation |
224 | VIKAS MEENA अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | AVD-CS( GR .A ) | 23094508 Intercom : 485 Email : vikas[dot]meena[at]gov[dot]in Address : 270, NB | Work Allocation |
225 | VIPIN KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | AVD-I/C-I | 23040272 Intercom : 272 Email : vipin[dot]kumar88[at]gov[dot]in Address : 270, NB | Work Allocation |
226 | VIPIN KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | कार्मिक नीति PERS. POL. D (MACP) | 23040398 Intercom : 398 Email : vipin[dot]k13[at]nic[dot]in Address : 202, NB | Work Allocation |
227 | VIPUL अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | सीएस-कल्याण WELFARE | 24625818 Intercom : 0 Email : vipul[dot]dopt14[at]nic[dot]in Address : WELFARE, LNB | Work Allocation |
228 | VIRENDER KUMAR अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | AVD-II | 23040307 Intercom : 307 Email : virender[dot]kumar86[at]nic[dot]in Address : 23-A, NB | Work Allocation |
229 | वीरेंद्र सिंह VIRENDER SINGH अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | एमओएस (पीपी) MOS(PP) | 23093951 Intercom : 226 Email : virender[dot]s13[at]nic[dot]in Address : 198, NB | Work Allocation |
230 | VISHAKHA DAYAL अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | AIS-I | 23093683 Intercom : 332 Email : vishakha[dot]dayal[at]gov[dot]in Address : 209C, NB | Work Allocation |
231 | VISHAL BHARADWAJ अनुभाग अधिकारी Section Officer | CS.II B | 24623157 Intercom : 214 Email : vishal[dot]b[at]gov[dot]in Address : Hall, LNB | Work Allocation |
मीडिया और संचार अधिकारी MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER |
232 | नन्द किशोर रेड्डी एम. Nanda Kishore Reddy M. निदेशक Director | प्रेस सूचना ब्यूरो PRESS INFORMATION BUREAU | 23488343 Email : mnkreddy[at]gov[dot]in Address : National Media Centre | |