
Work allocation in DoP&T

JS and Above
Total : 7
Sr. No.Name of the officer and
designation (Shri/Smt./Ms.)
Work Allocation
1 Manisha Saxena, EO & AS All matters relating to senior appointments, Career management, fellowship abroad and foreign assignment. Appointment of All India Services and Group A Central Services at the level of Deputy Secretary/ Director and Joint Secretary, on the basis of tenure under Central Staffing Scheme. All proposals for senior appointments under the Government of India, which require the approval of the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC), are processed through the Establishment Officer as Secretary of the ACC. These include Board level appointments to Central Public Sector Undertakings and appointments of Joint Secretaries, Directors and Deputy Secretaries in the Ministries/Departments.
2 A. P. Das Joshi, Addl. Secretary Service allocation to IAS/IPS/IFS and other Central Services Group A and B / Framing of Civil Service Examination Rules etc, Matters related to IAS/IPS/IFS (Cadre) Rules/ Pay Rules / Pension Rules etc, All policy matters/ framing / interpretation/ implementation of AIS (Conduct) Rules/AIS (Discipline & Appeal) Rules/ AIS (Leave) Rules etc, Disciplinary matters/ Vigilance clearance of IAS Officers/ Disciplinary cases against IAS officers for offences committed while working in States/ Centre, Vigilance matters of CSS, CSSS for empanelment/promotion/deputation/Sensitive posting/ retirement/VRS/passport etc, Matters related to CBI /UNCAC/ G20 ACWG 2023 documentation/BRICS ACWG/ IPEF/ Disciplinary cases against CSSandCSSS (Group A) officers etc, Legislative matters relating to Prevention of Corruption Act/Whistle Blower Act/Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013,Complaints of corruption relating to Central / States/UT Administration, CVC matters
3 Manoj Kumar Dwivedi, Addl. Secretary Conduct Rules, CCS(CCA) Rules, Temporary Service Rules, Leave, LTC, Transfer, Probation, Technical Resignation, Confirmation, Lien, premature retirement, Voluntary retirement, Compassionate Appointment, MACP, SSC/ UPSC/ NRA matters, Lateral Entry, Reservation policy, Pay, Honorarium, Over Time Allowance, Joining Time Rules, Recruitment Rules, States Reorganization, Retraining & Re devolvement, Departmental Council, MFCS Policy, NFU etc, Reservation policy for Schedule Castes/ Schedule Tribes/ Other Backward Classes in services and posts under the Govt. of India and clarification thereon, Reservation policy for Economic Weaker Section/ persons with benchmark disabilities/ ex-servicemen in services and posts under the Government of India / Matters relating to Joint Consultative Machinery and National Council, Policy matters of PESB, All matters related to JCM and National Council, Interpretation of CCS (RSA) Rules 1993, Formation/setting up/ queries regarding Anomaly Committee set up on
4 P. Bala Kiran, Joint Secretary Service allocation to IAS/IPS/IFS and other Central Services Group A and B / Framing of Civil Service Examination Rules etc, Matters related to IAS/IPS/IFS (Cadre) Rules/ Pay Rules / Pension Rules etc, All policy matters/ framing / amendment/ interpretation and implementation of AIS (Conduct) Rules/AIS (Discipline & Appeal) Rules/ AIS (Leave) Rules etc, Matters related to E-HRMS & SGoS-9
5 Chhavi Bhardwaj, Joint Secretary All matters related to Training Division e.g. Matters related to National Programme for Civil Services Capacity Building NPCSCB Mission Karmayogi/ iGOT, Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat (EBSB) initiative, National Training Policy , Mid Career Training Programme, Domestic Funding of foreign Training (DFFT) Scheme, In Service Training Programme, Assistant Secretaries training programme etc
6 J Ashok Kumar, Joint Secretary CSS/CSSS/CSCS Rules/ Regulations/ Cadre Management/Cadre Review/ Promotion/ Transfer/ Posting/ Training/ Review under 56 (J) of these services, IC/ UNCAC/ G20 ACWG 2023/BRICS ACWG/ IPEF/ Corruption Perception Index etc, AVD II Matters related to CBI /UNCAC/ G20 ACWG 2023 documentation/BRICS ACWG/ IPEF/ Disciplinary cases against CSS and CSSS Group A officers etc, AVD Lokpal Legislative matters relating to Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act 2013, AVD IC/II 1. Proposals of Investigating Agencies viz CBI etc./ State Governments for prosecution of IAS officers under the Criminal and PC Act 1988. 2. Forwarding of Judgement in respect of IAS officers received from the law courts consequent upon their conviction in pursuance of prosecution sanction under PC Act, 1988
7 S.D. Sharma, Joint Secretary Administration - All personnel matters of the employees of the Department /General administration/ Coordination/ Cash & Budget matters/ Parliamentary matters etc. Welfare - Policy matters relating to Welfare activities for Central Government employees/ Matters of Grih Kalyan Kendra/ RWA/ CCSCSB/ Departmental Canteens etc. AT - Administration of Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985 / Appointments of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Member and other Group A posts in the CAT and their personnel matters. IR - Policy matters relating to the implementation of the RTI Act, 2005; Administrative matters relating to the CIC etc. Mission Recruitment- Monitor Action Plan to fill up vacancies in all Ministries/Dept. of Government, Pers. Policy-II -Appointment of Chairman and Members, SSC/ UPSC/ NRA and all related matters etc, Reservation policy for SC/ST/OB/EWS/ persons with benchmark disabilities/ ESM/ Matters relating to Joint Consultative Machinery and National Council, matters related to JCMetc

Director/Deputy Secretary
Total : 30
DivisionSr. No.Name of the officer and
designation (Shri/Smt./Ms.)
Work Allocation
CS-II 1 PRIYA MAHADEVAN, Deputy Secretary Cadre Management of CSSS/CSCS i.e. JSA/SSA/Steno-Gr.D/PA/PS/PPS/PSO. -CSSS Rules and Regulations - Framing / Amendment/Interpretation. -Rotational Transfer Policy of CSSS/CSCS officers. -Promotion/Transfer/Posting/Training/Review under 56 (J) of CSSS/CSCS. -Cadre review of CSSS/ CSCS. -Maintenance of database of CSSS/CSCS officers. -Maintenance of ACRs/APARs of Group A officers of CSSS.
CS-I 2 VADALI RAMBABU, Director Cadre Management of ASO/SO/US/DS/Dir/ JS (in-situ).CSS Rules and Regulations - Framing /Amendment/Interpretation. Rotational Transfer Policy of CSS officers. Cadre review of CSS.Promotion/Transfer/Posting/Training/Review under 56 (J) of ASO/SO/US/DS/Dir of CSS.Maintenance of database of CSS officers. Cadre clearance for deputation/ voluntary retirement/ resignation/ training/ study leave/ foreign visit etc.Maintenance of ACRs/APARs of Group A officers of CSS.
EO 3 Pallavi Singh, Director Board level appointment in CPSEs, Appointment of Governor and Deputy Governors in Reserve Bank of India, Board level appointments in Public Sector Banks (PSBs)/ Financial Institutions (FIs)/ Insurance Companies, Empanelment for promotion in the cadre for Railway Services. etc.
4 Sakshi Mittal, Director Policy matters on Central Staffing Scheme, Secretary/AS level empanelment /appointment, JS level empanelment of officers belonging to 37 Group A Services (IAS/ IPS/ IFS etc) and 01 Central Secretariat Services.
EHRMS 5 Navpreet Kaur, Director Matters related to EHRMS
Pers.Policy 6 Sushant Ranjan, Deputy Secretary Appointment of Chairman and Members, SSC/ UPSC/ NRA and all matters connected with their Condition of service, pay fixation, leave etc.
EO 7 Annies Kanmani Joy, Deputy Secretary Appointment/postings under Central Staffing Scheme (CSS) at the level of Director/ DS and other related matters.
TRAINING 8 Syed Imran Ahmed, Director Matters relating to Assistant Secretary Programme, Mid-career interaction between the officers of Armed Forces and Civil Services, ISTM- All Administrative and Financial matters, Cadre Training plan of CSS/CSSS. Budget of Training Division, Administration matters in Training Division, Development of Integrated training complex in ISTM. Coordination matters in Training Division.
Pers.Policy 9 Sandeep Saxena, Deputy Secretary Reservation policy for Schedule Castes/ Schedule Tribes/ Other Backward Classes in services and posts under the Govt. of India and clarification thereon/ Representations received from SCs/STs/OBCs (both individual and associations) regarding reservation, harassment, etc.
Pers.Policy-I 10 Anindya Bhattacharya, Director Matters relating to seniority, promotion, compassionate appointments, incentives for meritorious sports persons in the Central Government in respect of Central Civil Posts and Services. Instructions on relaxation of Upper Age Limit for appearing in Open Competitive examinations for appointment to Civil Services and Posts. Matters relating to Recruitment Rules of posts under the Cabinet Secretariat and Ministry of Home Affairs. Search-cum-Selection Committee - Policy and matters connected thereto; and Non-functional Upgradation for members of organised Group A Services - policy and matters connected thereto.
Pers.Policy 11 MURALI BHAVARAJU, Director Fixation of Pay/ Terms and conditions of appointment to Personal Staff of all Ministers / Special Pay / Deputation Allowance / CDTA etc.
12 J. Sriram Murty, Deputy Secretary Framing of Recruitment Rules / Service Rules for posts / Service Cadres in Ministries / Departments of the Government of India; amendments to the existing rules etc.
13 Ram Dutt, Deputy Secretary CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 / Honorarium/ Over Time Allowance (OTA)/ Joining Time Rules/ Joining Time Pay etc.
SR, R&R and DC 14 Sanjay Kumar Dahiya, Deputy Secretary Matters relating to allocation of State cadre Employees/ posts between the reorganised States according to the provisions of the States Reorganization Acts, Redeployment of surplus staff available on surplus roll of this Department, Acceptance of surplus staff on roll following winding up of Offices under CCS(RSS) Rules, 1990. Recognition of Service Association of CSS, CSSS and CSCS on all Secretariat basis. Matters related to Departmental Council.
PESB 15 Deepak Sajwan, Director Work related to Selection and placement of personnel for top managerial posts in the Public Sector Undertakings etc.
Admin 16 D. S. Nagalakshmi, Deputy Secretary All personnel matters of officers/ employees of the Department / General administration/ Coord. matters/ Vigilance matters of DoPT officials upto the level of S.O
AT 17 Naresh Kumar, Deputy Secretary Administration of Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985 / Appointments of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Member and other Group A posts in the Central Administrative Tribunal etc.
Pers.Policy 18 Sandeep Mukherjee, Director Reservation policy for Economic Weaker Section/ persons with benchmark disabilities/ Ex-servicemen/ in the posts/ services under the Govt. of India/ Proposals having horizontal reservation for women/ transgender in posts/ services under the Government of India/ Examination of de-reservation proposals received from Ministries/ Departments
19 Shamik Bhowmick, Deputy Secretary All policy matters relating to Lateral recruitment at the levels of Joint Secretary, Director and Deputy Secretary.
20 Parveen Jargar, Deputy Secretary Policy matters of PESB, All matters related to JCM and National Council, Interpretation of CCS (RSA) Rules 1993, Formation/setting up/ queries regarding Anomaly Committee set up on issues arising out of 6th & 7th CPC, Agenda, Comments, Minutes of National Council (JCM) /Standing Committee / National Anomaly Committee Meetings, Policy issues concerning ILO etc
Admin 21 Varinder Kaur Bhalla, Deputy Secretary Matters related to Cash & Accounts, Budget, Public Grievances Cell, RTI Cell, Parliament matters & Social Media Nodal Officer for PG
EO-PR & IR 22 Deo Nath Sah, Director EO PR Maintenance of the Confidential Reports APARs Immovable property returns of IAS officers. IR Policy matters relating to the implementation of the RTI Act 2005, Administrative matters relating to the Central Information Commission etc.
Service & Vigilance 23 SUSHIL KUMAR PATEL, Director AVD-II Matters related to CBI /UNCAC/ G20 ACWG 2023 documentation/BRICS ACWG/ IPEF/ Disciplinary cases against CSS and CSSS (Group A) officers etc, AVD (Lokpal)- Legislative matters relating to Prevention of Corruption Act and Whistle Blower Act / Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013, AVD-IC/II -1. Proposals of Investigating Agencies viz CBI etc./ State Governments for prosecution of IAS officers under the Criminal and PC Act 1988. 2. Forwarding of Judgement in respect of IAS officers received from the law courts consequent upon their conviction in pursuance of prosecution sanction under PC Act, 1988
Pers.Policy 24 GK RAJNISH, Deputy Secretary Central Civil Service (Conduct) Rules, 1964 / Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 / premature retirement / Voluntary retirement / Leave Travel Concession / Probation of Government Servants / Technical Resignation / Confirmation / Lien in civil posts etc.
CRD 25 HARMIT SINGH PAHUJA, Director Policy of cadre review of Central Civil Services / Cadres, Creation of Posts in Central Group A Services, Encadrement of posts in Central Group A Services, Policy regarding Non-Functional Selection Grade in Group A Central Civil Services, Monitoring of periodical review of Group A Central Civil Services / Cadres, Compilation of Half Yearly/ Yearly statistical information about grade-wise cadre strength and structural ratio of Group A Central Civil Service and the threshold profile of the members of these Services. Analysis based on Statistical Profile and follow up on stagnation/ in-congruencies with the concerned Cadres/ Services etc.
IC 26 Prashant Shukla, Director IC- Matters related to International Corporation, Welare- Policy matters relating to Welfare activities for Central Government employees/ Residents Welfare Associations/ Central Civil Services Culture & Sports Board (CCSCSB), AVD-ID-Disciplinary cases/ Review against penalty/ suspension/vigilance clearance of CSS and CSSS (Group A) officers. A) Officers, AVD-III- All matters relating to allegations/complaints/inquiries/sanction for prosecution against Chief Ministers and Ministers of State Governments, setting up commissions of inquiry relating to corruption charges, Complaints of corruption relating to Central/States/UT Administration/Commercial firms and employees of Public Sector Undertakings etc., AVD.IVA- Matters relating to follow up action on Hota Committee recommendations
AIS/Services 27 Charulata Somal, Deputy Secretary Service allocation to IAS/IPS/IFS and other Central Services Group A and B / Framing of Civil Service Examination Rules etc. Matters related to IAS/IPS/IFS (Cadre) Rules/ Pay Rules / Pension Rules etc All policy matters/ framing / amendment/ interpretation and implementation of AIS (Conduct) Rules/AIS (Discipline & Appeal) Rules/ AIS (Leave) Rules etc
TRAINING 28 Vijay S, Deputy Secretary Matters relating to ADB Loan administration including matters relating to KDLL, CBU of DoPT, Development of Centre for Excellence (CoE), DFFT, Int. Relations, Int. Cooperation, JICA Programmes, Short Term and Long Term Domestic Programme. In Service Training Program, IIPA and APPPA Courses, LBSNAA Matters including Foundation Training, induction training MCTP. Website of Training Division.
29 Kumar Abhinav, Deputy Secretary Overall responsibility for NPCSCB, Mission Karmayogi and coordination including Parliamentary matters etc., Matters relating to Karmayogi Portal/On boarding of MDOs. matters relating to SPV, world bank loan administration, PMU, PMHRC/CSCUs/CBC, Content Development, FRAC development including competency, CBPs of MDOs. Monitoring and evaluation framework of NPCSCB,. linkage of iGOT with e-HRMS and other Training Schemes of DOPT
AVD 30 Yashu Rustagi, Deputy Secretary AVD.IA- Policy regarding disciplinary matters of IAS officers, Vigilance clearance/ Complaints/ Privilege Notices of IAS officers, AVD.IB- Disciplinary cases against IAS officers for offences committed while working in States/ Appeals/ Memorials of IAS officers against suspension/ penalties while working in States etc., AVD-IC/I- Disciplinary cases against IAS officers for offences committed while working at Centre/Proposals from the Central Ministries/ Departments regarding suspension/ revocation of suspension of IAS officers/ Appeals/ Memorial of IAS officers against suspension/ penalties imposed on them, AVD(CL)- Legislative matters relating to the Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2011, the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and the Foreign Bribery Bill. RTI, Court cases, Parliament Questions, Public Grievances etc. on the above subjects,

Under Secretary
Total : 66
Sr. No.DivisionName of the officer (Shri/Smt./Ms.)Posted as US Work being dealt
1 AVD-II AMIT KUMAR AVD-IV(A), Lokpal Considering cases related to interpretation of statutes relating to Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2011, Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 Prevention of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials, Bill, Matters relating to follow up action on Hota Committee recommendations, monitoring of Vigilance matters pending with various Ministries Departments, other miscellaneous matters viz False claims Act etc. Work related to LOKPAL
2 BHUPINDER AVD-CS( Gr .A ) Disciplinary cases against CSS and CSSS (Group A) officers. Review against penalty/ suspension of above officers. Complaints against CSS and CSSS (Group A) officers. Vigilance clearance of CSS and CSSS (Group A) officers. Reference for advice on circulars issued in respect of CSS and CSSS (Group A)/ CSSS officers in disciplinary matters. Sanction for prosecution of CSS and CSSS (Group A) officers. Proposals against CSS and CSSS (Group A) officers consequent upon their conviction by the Law Courts. Proposals against retired CSS and CSSS (Group A) officers to impose penalty of cut in pension under CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. RTI/ Court cases / Parliament Questions/ Public Grievances etc. on the above subjects
3 TRAINING Rajeev Kumar Choudhary I-GOT Administration of SPV Karamyogi Bharat Administration of World Bank Loan Coordination-Mission Karamyogi Bharat
4 Admin Rahul Handa Admn. Administrative matters of JSA and above, DoPT -Nomination for training (domestic and foreign) etc. in respect of Group 'A' and Group 'B' Gazetted officers and Group 'C' Officials (JSA & SSA), Establishment matters relating to Minister's personnel staff. Pension cases including settlement of other pensionary benefits in respect of JSA and above. Work relating to eOffice Portal, eHRMS Portal, CSCMS portal. Cadre management in respect of posts of ASO and SO of CSS cadre, Steno Grade 'D', PA & PS of CSSS cadre, JSA & SSA of CSCS cadre and promotion from MTS to JSA. Compassionate appointments. -Hiring the services of Data Entry Operators on outsourcing basis. Vigilance matters, APAR maintenance etc. Public Grievances RTI/ Court cases / Parliament Questions/ Public Grievances etc. on the above subjects, etc.
5 e-hrms & IC NABHLAKSHMI JAIN GANGH International co-operation
6 SRS Rajiv Kumar SRS work related SRS
7 Admin Swati Budget & Accounts Cash, Budget & Accounts and PG Cell
9 TRAINING B GINKHAN MANG Training Ex-employee
10 EO-PR Anil Bajpai EO-PR Maintenance of the Confidential Reports (APARs) of IAS officers. Maintenance of immovable property returns of IAS officers. Processing of the representations of IAS officers submitted to Referral Board. Processing of memorials from IAS officers. Maintenance of Smart Performance Appraisal Report Recording Online Window (SPARROW) platform and dealing with issues connected thereto. Furnishing clarifications to the Ministries/ Departments and State Government the AIS (CR) Rules,1970 and AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 and instructions thereof in consultation with AIS Division. Placing of appreciation letters/ commendation letter certificates regarding languages learnt; Educational Qualifications acquired and Record about any book; articles and other publication brought out or for publication of which he/ she may be responsible, in the CR / APAR dossiers of IAS officer. Placing of copy of order of penalty, warning, reprimand or displeasure and record of final result of inquiry into the charges or all
11 Anil Bajpai EO-PR 1. Maintenance of the Confidential Reports (APARs) of IAS officers. 2. Maintenance of immovable property returns of IAS officers. 3. Processing of the representations of IAS officers submitted to Referral Board. 4. Processing of memorials from IAS officers. 5. Maintenance of Smart Performance Appraisal Report Recording Online Window (SPARROW) platform and dealing with issues connected thereto. 6. Furnishing clarifications to the Ministries/ Departments and State Government w.r.t. the AIS (CR) Rules, 1970 and AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 and instructions thereof in consultation with AIS Division. 7. Placing of appreciation letters/ commendation letter certificates regarding languages learnt; Educational Qualifications acquired; and Record about any book; articles and other publication brought out or for publication of which he/ she may be responsible, in the CR / APAR dossiers of IAS officer. 8. Placing of copy of order of penalty, warning, reprimand or displeasure and record of final result o
12 Admin Rishi Pal AT Administration of Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985 , Appointments of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Member and other Group A posts in the Central Administrative Tribunal, etc.
13 EO Praveen Pal Singh EO-CVO 1. Scrutinizing and processing of applications of officers for appointment to the posts of Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) and other organizations like Autonomous Body, Statutory Body, Port Trust, etc. which are filled through DoPT. 2. Processing proposals for appointment of CVOs for approval of the competent authority. 3. Processing of proposals for approval of the Competent Authority with regard to extension of tenure, lateral shift, premature repatriation, additional charge etc. of CVOs. 4. Other matters related to appointment of CVOs through DoPT.
14 CS-I Randhir Kumar CRD -Cadre review of Central Services -Non-Functional Selection Grade, -Statistical Profile of Central Group A Services, -Creation of Posts in Central Group A Services, Encadrement of post in Central Group A Service, etc.
15 IFD Rakesh Kumar All Other Proposals. related to foreign Deputation,Air-travel relaxation,medical bills,advance,claim,premature condemnation. write off due to theft fraud or negligence, delegation of financial power and its interpretation ,clarification, etc. will be processed by the section unit handling the proposals of administrative division
16 WELFARE PAWAN KUMAR tr mohfw 7/8/23
17 TRAINING Zachariah Thomas IGOT iGOT-I:- Administration of SPV Karamyogi Bharat Administration of World Bank Loan Coordination-Mission Karamyogi Bharat iGOT-II: iGOTKaramyogi Platform iGOTKaramyogi Courses
18 AVD-II Manoj Gupta AVD-I/C-I . Disciplinary cases against IAS officers for offences committed while working at Centre. 2.Proposals from the Central Ministries/ Departments regarding suspension/ revocation of suspension of IAS officers. 3. Appeals/ Memorial of IAS officers against suspension/ penalties imposed on them. 4. Proposals of the Central Ministries/Departments for imposing the penalty of cut in pension of IAS officers after their retirement from service or for imposition of major penalties of compulsory retirement, removal or dismissal from service. 5. RTI/ Court cases / Parliament Questions/ Public Grievances etc. on the above subjects, etc.
19 Pers.Policy Rajesh sharma Pers. Policy-A-II/B-II A-II Desk: 1. Commercial employment after retirement and employment under a foreign Government. 2. Commercial employment after retirement in respect of officers retired at the level of Joint Secretary and above (Other than AIS) for approval of Group of Ministers and Prime Minister as the case may be. 3. Principles regarding preparation and maintenance of Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR). 4. Advice on proposals in respect of the Ministry of Finance relating to number of grade of posts in strength of a service or pay and allowances of Government servants or any other conditions of their service having financial implications. 5. Resignation from Government service and withdrawal of resignation from service. B-II Desk: 1. Verification of character and antecedents - Principles and procedures. 2. Verification of character and antecedents - extension to Public Sector Undertakings. 3. Strike by Government Servants including demonstration and other agitational activities. 4. Suita
20 Rakesh kumar Sinha Pers.Policy D-II (Seniority) General policy relating to seniority pertaining to Central Services and examination of cases referred by Ministries / Departments for advice
21 EO ALOK SUMAN SM-I Holding meeting of Civil Services Board and preparation of agenda thereof, AS/ Secretary or equivalent level matters, Issue of orders in respect of empanelment/ appointment as received from the Cabinet Secretariat, Granting NOC to officers for applying to Non CSS/long term training, Policy matters on Central Staffing Scheme.
22 KUNDAN NATH SM-II Appointments to the posts of Chairperson, Members and equivalent in regulatory bodies and Tribunals, Appointment to the posts of Chief Executive in Statutory/non-statutory autonomous bodies in Level 14 of the Pay Matrix and above, Non-CSS appointments to posts in Level 14 of the Pay Matrix and above in Ministries/Departments and their subordinate/attached offices, Appointment to scientific posts in Indian Missions abroad, Cases of disagreement with the UPSC in the matter of appointment, Empanelment of officers for promotion to Senior Administrative Grade and above (excluding Ministry of Railways and Department of Telecommunications)
23 AIS-I SANJAY KUMAR CHAURASIA AIS-I (S-II & S-III) Promotion of State Civil Service Non-State Service Officers to the Indian Administrative Service. Administration of Statutory Regulation. Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations,1955.Indian Police Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955.Indian Forest Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1966. Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Selection) Regulations, 1997, etc.Fixation of year of allotment and seniority of IAS officers promoted ,appointed from State Civil Services ,Non-State Civil Services and court cases on the subject.Creation of new All India Services. Administration of Statutory Rules.Indian Administrative Service (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1987. Indian Police Service (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1988.Indian Forest Service (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1997.Policy making regarding inter-cadre deputation and inter-cadre transfer of All India Service (IAS/IPS/IFoS) officers and processing inter-cadre transfe
24 Pers.Policy Rajesh Kumar Pers. Pol. (RR-I) -Matters relating to recruitment rules, either received physically on Files or electronically on the RRFAMS Portal/e-office and Service Rules in respect of Ministries with Alphabets F to O, nomenclature and Ministry of Home Affairs, Cabinet Secretariat and SpecialisedOrganisation such as NIA, NTRO etc. -All policy matters concerning Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme (MFCS) -Policy matters relating to Recruitment Rules/Service Rules -Cases regarding grant of Non-Functional Upgrading to OGAS referred by above Ministries, including Court cases. -Processing Cabinet Notes referred by the above Ministries on the aforesaid subject.
25 CS-I SUNIL KUMAR CS-I U 1. Cadre Management of Under Secretary Grade of CSS. 2. Preparation of Select List of Under Secretary Grade of CSS in consultation with UPSC. 3. Ad-hoc promotion in the grade of Under Secretary and continuance thereof. 4. Postings/ transfers of officers of Under Secretary Grade of CSS. 5. Cadre Clearance for deputation / voluntary retirement / resignation / training course /foreign visit etc of Under Secretary Grade of CSS. 6. Review of cases of Under Secretary Grade of CSS under FR-56(J). 7. Handling of RTI/Parliament Questions/court case on the above subjects, etc.
26 Pers.Policy Ambrish Kumar Gopal Pers. Policy-A.III 1. General questions relating to conditions of service (other than financial) of Central Services in relation to conduct and disciplinary matters - a) Provisions of Constitution relating to services; b) Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965. c) Central Civil Service (Conduct) Rules, 1964. 2. Oath of Allegiance to the Constitution. 3. Change of Name of Government Servant. 4. Re-imbursement of legal expenses incurred by Government Servant. 5. FRs 53 and 54 i.e. matters relating to regulation of subsistence allowance. 6. Issue of Gazette Notification Policy. 7. General policy matter relating to classification of posts and grant of gazetted status. 8. Promotion principles regarding sealed cover procedures.
27 AVD A.M.U. Mahesh Corruption Laws Subject matters relating to legislation and subordinate legislation on corruption , foreign corrupt practices ,and protection of whistleblowers
28 CS-I Kumar Rajiv Ranjan CS.II-B CSCS / CSSS Rules and Regulations / Cadre Management and related work, etc.
29 Pers.Policy SANTANU DHAR RR-II -Matters relating to recruitment rules, either received physically on Files or electronically on the RRFAMS Portal/e-office and Service Rules in respect of Ministries with Alphabets P to Z nomenclature and Ministry of Home Affairs, Cabinet Secretariat and Specialized Organisation such as NIA, NTRO etc. -Policy matters relating to Recruitment Rules/Service Rules -Cases regarding grant of Non-Functional Up gradation to OGAS referred by above Ministries, including Court Cases -Processing Cabinet Notes referred by the above Ministries on above subjects vi Routine matters including Monthly Reports, VIP References, Public Grievances etc.
30 TRAINING RAM BHAGAT KUSHWAHA ISTM & BUDGET Matters relating to Assistant Secretary Programme, ISTM All Administrative and Financial Matters, Cadre Training Plan of CSS/CSSS, Budget of Training Division Administration matters in Training Division, Matters relating to Development of Integrated Training Complex in ISTM
31 AVD-II Santosh Kumar AVD-III All matters relating to allegations/complaints/inquiries/sanction for prosecution against Chief Ministers and Ministers of State Governments, setting up commissions of inquiry relating to corruption charges, Complaints of corruption relating to Central/States/UT Administration/Commercial firms and employees of Public Sector Undertakings. Anti-corruption measures Policy, All administrative matters concerning the CVC, Legislation relating to CVC, Disagreement in the matter of disciplinary proceeding between the Disciplinary Authority/UPSC and the CVC ,etc
32 AIS-I Bhupinder pal singh AIS-II(PAY) Pay Desk, Policy matters relating to pay rules of IAS/IPS/IFS and clarification thereon, including Central Deputation/PSUs, etc Concurrence of the Central Government to the availability of vacancies in Selection, Grade and above grades of IAS in State Cadres, Pay fixation of non State Civil Service officers on their promotion to IAS and clarification, Thereon, Rules and clarification pertaining to mandatory Mid Career Training of IAS officers, Cases of payment of additional remuneration to IAS officers under FR 49 for holding additional charge of other post, Guidelines for Promotion to various grades of IAS/IPS/IFS, All India Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1975, All India Services (House Rent Allowance) Rules, 1977, All India Services (Dearness Allowance) Rules, 1972, All India Services (Travelling Allowance) Rules, 1964 and clarification thereon, RTI/Court cases/Parliament Questions/Public Grievances etc. on the above subjects, Clarification to the office.
33 Pers.Policy Ashok Giri PERS.POLICY-RR Matters pertaining to Recruitment Rules received from different Department/Ministries through RRFAMS Portal
34 CS-I L RAGHAVENDRAN CS-A&P CSS Rules and Regulations, Framing of policy relating to CSS cadre, Rotational Transfer Policy of CSS officers, Cadre review of CSS, Policy matters of CSS, etc.
35 Pers.Policy GANDHARV KUMAR SANDILYA JCA Recognition of Associations/Unions, All matters related to JCM and National Council, Interpretation of CCS (RSA) Rules 1993, Formation/setting up// queries regarding Anomaly Committee set up on issues arising out of 6th & 7th CPC, Agenda, Comments, Minutes of National Council (JCM) / Standing Committee / National Anomaly Committee Meetings, Policy issues concerning ILO,
36 WELFARE SATYENDRA SINGH CCSCSB . Policy matters relating to Welfare activities for Central Government employees and its implementation. 2. Formulation of Budget estimates and payment of grants-in-aid (recurring) to Grih Kalyan Kendra, Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board, Residents Welfare Associations, and non recurring grants-in-aid to the Civil Services Officers Institute and Sanskriti School. 3. Laying of Annual Reports and Annual Audited Accounts of Grih Kalyan Kendra, KendriyaBhandar, Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board, Civil Services Officers Institute and Sanskriti School in both the Houses of Parliament. 4. RTI/ Court cases / Parliament Questions/ Public Grievances etc. on the above subjects. 1. Conducting All India Civil Services Tournaments in various disciplines in the country every year. 36 2. Conducting Inter-Ministry Tournaments in various disciplines in Delhi. 3. Coordinating the activities of 21 Regional Sports Boards (RSB), including grants-in-aid provided by the Board to
37 TRAINING Oruganti Phani Training Implementation of Training for All (FTA), Onboarding of ATIs on iGOT for digital learning programme such as COMMIT etc, National Training Policy, Implementation of Training Resource Mapping, Matters relating to ASCI, Coordination matters in Training Division, Website of Training Division
38 Pers.Policy AMIT CHOUBEY Pers.Policy-D (Promotion) 1. General policy relating to: (i) promotion pertaining to Central Services (except Railway Services and Services under the control of Department of Atomic Energy, the erstwhile Department of Electronics, the Department of Space and the Scientific and Technical Services under the Department of Defence Research and Development) and examination of cases referred by Ministries / Departments for advice; (iii) Stenographic Assistance to officers working in non-secretariat offices; (vi) employment assistance to persons of Indian origin coming from various countries; (Employment Exchange Procedure); 4. Policy regarding Ad-hoc appointments and its extension; 5. Educational qualifications and recognition of non-technical diplomas for appointment to Government services;
39 IR Dilip kumar jha IR-I IR-I SECTION 1. Administrative matters relating to the Central Information Commission 2. Development of programmes to advance the understanding of the public about the RTI Act. 3. Coordination of issues relating to the RTI Act with the State Governments. 4. Other issues relating to Right to Information.
40 Pers.Policy JATA SHANKAR KANTH Pers. Pol. (Leave & Allowances) Overtime allowance, short term consultancy undertaken by the Govt servants in International Organisations, which are governed under SR-12, Honorarium, Joining Time Rules/Joining Time Pay, Compulsory waiting, risk allowance, Special Allowance, weight age for Night Duty/Night Duty Allowance, Children Education Allowance for central Govt employees, Special Allowance for Child Care to Women with Disabilities, creation & maintenance of e-service book and other service records of the Govt of India employees, Plan Scheme, All kinds of leave including Casual Leave &Spl. Casual Leave, leave matters relating to Industrial employees, constitutional statutory appointments, contract appointees, members of committees & commissions, service record & service books, extension of special concessions posted in Kashmir Valley.
41 AVD-I PIJUSH MOHANTA AVD-I/C-II 1. Proposals of Investigating Agencies viz CBI etc./ State Governments for prosecution of IAS officers under the Criminal and PC Act 1988. 2. Forwarding of Judgement in respect of IAS officers received from the law courts consequent upon their conviction in pursuance of prosecution sanction under PC Act, 1988, as amended in 2018, to the concerned Central Ministry/State Govts. for taking up the case of disciplinary proceedings thereupon with other concerned section of DOPT. 3. RTI/ Court cases / Parliament Questions/ Public Grievances etc. on the above subjects, etc.
42 Pers.Policy LALIT KUMAR PERS. POLICY A.IV 1. Age of retirement. 2. Leave Travel Concession. 3. Premature retirement of Government Servants (F.R 56), F.R 56 (I) and Rule 2 (2) of the Liberalised Pension Rules. 4. Guidelines for review of cases of officers for retention in service beyond the age of 50/ 55 years or after completion of thirty years qualifying service. 5. Policy on Voluntary retirement under Rules 48 and 48A of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. 6. Policy relating to grant of extension and re-employment to Government servants. 7. Medical Examination Rules, 1957. 8. Alteration of date of birth of Government Servants. 9. Transfer Policy. 10. Coordination work of Estt. (A-III) Desk, Estt.(A-IV) Desk and Estt. C Section.
43 CS-II Preeti Wadhwa CS-II CSCS / CSSS Rules and Regulations / Cadre Management and related work, etc.
44 Pers.Policy Ms. Charu Vijay RES-II RESERVATION
45 Vikas PAY Pers. Policy (Pay)
46 AJAY KUMAR SINHA RES-I Policy of SCs, STs, OBCs (Parliament matters,RTI representations, MP,VIP,PMO references), Clarifications, Court cases SCs, STs,OBCs, Coordination (Dept. related Parliamentary Standing Committee,communications received from the Administration of this Department), Sub Quota for Minorities under OBC reservation
47 EO Ajay Lawania EO (SM-III) "Joint Secretary level empanelment of officers belonging to 37 Group A Services and Central Secretariat Services. Processing proposals of IPS officers received from MHA regarding IG level empanelment "
48 Deepak Sharma FA (UN) Grant of Cadre Clearance to All India Service Officers for taking up foreign assignment, consultancy assignments with various UN and other International Organizations, Grant of Cadre Clearance to Organised Group A and Group B Central Services Officers (JS level) for taking up foreign assignments or consultancy assignments with various UN and other International Organizations, Processing proposals to fill the foreign and captive posts of Government of India at DS or Dir level, Grant of Cadre Clearance or NOC to IAS officers for taking up foreign visits, Parliamentary Work on foreign assignment matters, Processing of matters relating to Foreign Assignments of officers covered by Consolidated Instructions on Foreign Assignments (CIFA) issued vide letter no. 18/10/1991-FA(UN) dated 20.06.1991, Updating Executive Record Sheets of DS or Director level officers appointed on foreign or captive posts and those accorded Cadre Clearance to take up foreign assignment.
49 TRAINING Shampa Ghosh I-GOT iGOT-III Matters relating to Establishment, Appointment, budget allocation, GFRs and DFPRs relating to CBC, iGOT-IV, RFP preparation to finalization of contracts for hiring DoPT PMU and FRAC PMU,Servicing of the contracts.
50 AIS-I Anshuman Mishra AIS-I (S-I) All Matters relating to Civil Service Examination Rules, Service Allocation, Cadre Allocation (for IAS), Medical Examination (including framing medical regulations) and Character & Antecedent/Caste Verification of CSE Candidates, Training related issues (Foundational Training for IAS/IPS & other Central Gr.A Services Probationers) at LBSNAA & other Institutes), Maintenance of Dossiers of IAS, forwarding of Dossiers of IPS/other Central Services, IAS/IPS/IFS (Recruitment Rules) 1954, IAS/IPS/IFS appointment by Competitive Examination Rules, 1955., etc.
51 S&V SATYAM SRIVASTAVA AVD-II Administrative/Financial Matters All administrative and financial matters concerning CBI, including proposals to ACC approval , Circulation of various posts to be filled on deputation basis, Clarification on fixation of pay / general matters/seniority of various staff of CBI, Delegation of powers to CBI, Deputation abroad of CBI officers for investigation/conference and summoning of foreign witnesses, RTI/Court cases/Parliament Questions/Public Grievances etc. on the above subjects. Work relating to Prosecution Issue of notification under Section 3 of DSPE Act for extension of jurisdiction of Delhi Special Police Establishment (CBI) to various Acts, Seeking general consent of the State Government and notifying the same, Issue of notification under Section 5 of DSPE Act on the requests received from various States Governments for entrusting the case to CBI, Setting up of Special Judge / Magistrate Courts for trial for exclusive CBI cases in various States
52 AVD-II RAJEEV KUMAR KHARE AVD-II(B) 1. Filing of Appeal/SLP in High Courts/ Supreme Courts in the cases investigated by CBI. 2. Authorization for attachment of property(ies) under Section 3 of the Criminal Law (Amendment) Ordinance, 1944. 3. Grant of sanction u/s 188 of the Cr.PC 1973 in respect of the crimes committed by Indian citizens abroad and investigated by the CBI. 4. Disciplinary Proceedings against Group 'A' officers of the CBI, including Appeal/ Revision/ Review Petition filed by them. 5. Sanction of prosecution against Group 'A' CBI officers under the PC Act 1988. 6. RTI/ Court cases / Parliament Questions/ Public Grievances etc. on the above subjects, etc
53 mrc GAUTAM KUMAR all matters related to mission recruitment portal and coordination for Rojgar Mela organized to distribute appointment letters to fresh recruits
54 Pers.Policy JASMINE Pers. Policy-A-I/B-I SSC, STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION, Appointment of Chairperson and Members, SSC and Personnel matters relating to them, Administration of the Resolution relating to creation and mandate of SSC and the matters related to inclusion/exclusion of posts from the purview of SSC, Policy related to Recruitment Examinations conducted by SSC, Disciplinary cases related to employees in SSC, which are beyond the powers of Chairperson, SSC, Recruitment Rules for the posts in SSC, Subject matters, which are beyond the powers of Chairperson SSC such as Medical claims, condemnation of staff cars, proposals for hiring of accommodation, its repair and maintenance, fixation of rates of remuneration for functionaries engaged for conduct of Examinations conducted by SSC, etc, UPSC, Appointment of Chairperson and Members, UPSC, Personnel matters relating to Chairperson and Members, UPSC such as sanction of leave, pay fixation, pensionary benefits, foreign visit, leave encashment.
55 CS-I RAJEEV NAYAN CS-I(TRG/APAR) Cadre Management of SO of CSS APAR Management of US and above level Officers of CSS Cadre, etc.
56 PESB MOHAMMAD JAINUDDIN P.E.S.B. Selection process for Board Level Post in PSUs Matters relating to Court Cases on the above subject Preparing Monthly DO and Reports to sent it to Cabinet Secretary
57 AVD-I B SUBODH VERMA AVD-I B 1. Disciplinary cases against IAS officers for offences committed while working in States. 2. Appeals/ Memorials of IAS officers against suspension/ penalties while working in States. 3. Sanction of the Central Government under Rule 6(1) (b) (1) of the All India Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Rules, 1958 against retired IAS officers - who are to be charge-sheeted after retirement from service. 4. Examination of proposals of the State Government/ Administrative Ministries for penalty of cut in pension of IAS officers after their retirement from service or on imposition of major penalties of compulsory retirement, removal or dismissal from service. 5. RTI/ Court cases / Parliament Questions/ Public Grievances etc. on the above subjects, etc.
58 AVD-II Rupesh Kumar AVD-I A 1. Policy regarding disciplinary matters of IAS officers. 2. Vigilance clearance of IAS officers. 3. Complaints against IAS officers. 4. Privilege Notices against IAS officers for violation of protocol. 5. RTI/ Court cases / Parliament Questions/ Public Grievances etc. on the above subjects.
59 EO Subir Kumar EO (SM-II) Processing of proposals received from various administrative Departments/Ministries seeking approval of the ACC on the following subjects: (i) Empanelment of officers for promotion to Senior Administrative Grade and above (excluding the following):  Cases related to the Services belonging to the Ministry of Railways, which are being dealt in EO (ACC) section.  Empanelment to Senior Administration Grade in the Services belonging to the Department of Telecommunications) (ii) Appointments to the posts of Chairperson, Members and equivalent in regulatory bodies and Tribunals; (iii) Appointment to the posts of Chief Executive in Statutory/non-statutory autonomous bodies in Level 14 of the Pay Matrix and above; (iv) Non-CSS appointments to posts in Level 14 of the Pay Matrix and above in Ministries/Departments and their subordinate/attached offices; (v) Appointment to scientific posts in Indian Missions abroad; (vi) Cases of disagreement with the UPSC in the matter of appointment;
60 TRAINING DESHRAJ YADAV Training 1. Long Term Domestic Programmes AS (Trg.) JS(Training) DS (TFA, NTP, Admn& Coord.) US (TFA, NTP, Admn& Coord.) DS (LTDP, IST/ IIPA & Academy) US (LTDP, IST/IIPA & Coord) DS (Asstt. Secy, ISTM , ADB, i-GOT & Budget) US (Asstt. Secy, ISTM & Budget) Dir [DFFT &iGOT (Mission Karamyogi)] US (FTC & FTC (IR),)ADB&i-GOT)* 50 2. Capacity Building Programme for State Civil Services officers and State Secretariat Service Officers of North-Eastern States 3. Mid- Career interaction between Armed Forces and Civil Services Officers 4. Nomination of IAS Officers for National Defence College (NDC) Course 5. Joint Civil Military (JCM) Interaction Programme 6. Advance Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA) at IIPA- New Delhi 7. One week In-Service Training Programme for the officers of All India Service (IAS, IPS &IFoS), Officers under Central Staffing Scheme and Officers of CSS/CSSS (DS/Sr. PPS and above level) 8. Policy matters & Budgetary matters of IIPA- New Delhi 9. 2 nd ARC 10. Tr
61 EO Ramesh Chandra Jha EO (SM-II) Processing of proposals received from various administrative Departments/Ministries seeking approval of the ACC on the following subjects: (i) Empanelment of officers for promotion to Senior Administrative Grade and above (excluding the following):  Cases related to the Services belonging to the Ministry of Railways, which are being dealt in EO (ACC) section.  Empanelment to Senior Administration Grade in the Services belonging to the Department of Telecommunications) (ii) Appointments to the posts of Chairperson, Members and equivalent in regulatory bodies and Tribunals; (iii) Appointment to the posts of Chief Executive in Statutory/non-statutory autonomous bodies in Level 14 of the Pay Matrix and above; (iv) Non-CSS appointments to posts in Level 14 of the Pay Matrix and above in Ministries/Departments and their subordinate/attached offices; (v) Appointment to scientific posts in Indian Missions abroad; (vi) Cases of disagreement with the UPSC in the matter of appointment;
62 AIS-I Kavita Chauhan AIS-III All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969, All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 [previously it was AIS (Confidential) Rules, 1970], All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955, All India Services (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960, All India Services (Provident Funds) Rules, 1955, All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954, All India Services (Special Disability) Regulations, 1957, Appeals/ Memorials in respect of services conditions of IAS officers, except CR/ PAR (Rules), IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954, Confirmation/ extension of probation of IAS officers, Fixation of inter se seniority of DR IAS officers, Publication of Civil List of IAS officers annually, Publication/ updation of All India Services Manual, RTI/ Court cases / Parliament Questions/ Public Grievances etc. on the above subjects, etc.
63 R&R and DC Arun Kumar Dahiya RR & DC Acceptance of the employees rendered surplus in the Ministries/Departments/Office of govt. of india.Redployment and readjustment of Group A, B C and D surplus staff. Issue of NOC for filling up the vacant posts if no suitable surplus staff is available.All references and also RTI matters/ court cases in respect to issues of surplus staff.
64 WELFARE Naveen Kumar WELFARE-I Policy matters relating to Welfare activities for Central Government employees and its implementation. 2. Formulation of Budget estimates and payment of grants-in-aid (recurring) to Grih Kalyan Kendra, Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board, Residents Welfare Associations, and non recurring grants-in-aid to the Civil Services Officers Institute and Sanskriti School. 3. Laying of Annual Reports and Annual Audited Accounts of Grih Kalyan Kendra, Kendriya Bhandar, Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board, Civil Services Officers Institute and Sanskriti School in both the Houses of Parliament. 4. RTI/ Court cases / Parliament Questions/ Public Grievances etc. on the above subjects.
65 Admin. II/Gen & Nodal CPIO of DOPT ANURAG SAXENA Admin. II/Gen & Nodal CPIO of DOPT All matters relating to the general administration and house keeping. Procurement/ maintenance of furniture, stationery, wall clock, air conditioner etc. maintenance of office equipments. Protocol to Foreign delegation, Minister/Secretary. Public Grievances, RTI, Court cases, Parliament Questions etc. on the above subjects. Work related to RTI cell .
66 Admin Sujit Kumar Mishra Coordination, CR & Social Media 1. Coordination related work as mentioned below:- Delhi Official Directory, Coordination in Updation of court cases on LIMBS, Coordination work of e-Samiksha, Record Retention Schedule of the DoPT. Citizen's Charter of the Department. Senior Officers Meetings by Secretary(P) and monthly Review Meetings by Hon'ble MoS (PP). Handling of Facebook and Twitter Account of DOPT, Annual Action Plan of the Department, Sectoral Group of Secretaries on Governance, RTI/ Court cases / Parliament Questions/ Public Grievances etc. on the above subjects, etc. Annual Report of the Ministry. Monthly D.O. to Cabinet Secretary. Monthly Summary to the Council of Ministers. Updation of Induction Materials. Updation of Internal Delegation of Powers and Channel of submission/ disposal of cases. Passes in connection with Independence Day and Republic Day celebrations. Monthly Summary from other Ministries. 2. Admin-III: cadre management of (MTS), (DR), SCD and Canteen Staff, medical related matters of DoPT.